Objectives The aim of this study was to perform pathologic assessment on stent fracture. 目的:这项研究的目的是评估支架断裂的病理表现。
Results There exhibited no complications, such as infection, osteomyelitis and pathologic bone fracture in all these cases. 结果用该手术法治疗骨烧伤36例,无骨感染、骨髓炎、病理骨折等并发症发生。
If the bone is markedly weakened by the metastasis, then a "pathologic" fracture is possible. I have got a break leg*. 转移性病灶使骨明显脆弱,便可出现病理性骨折。
Pathologic fracture through the simple bone cyst is common. 骨囊肿常常伴有病理性骨折。
This is the same patient as the previous radiograph, but at a later point in the course. ( The plate and screws in the cervical spine repaired a pathologic fracture from metastasis). 颈部见到的阴影是癌转移引起的颈椎病理性骨折手术修复时拧入的钢板。
Objective To analyze the outcome of patients with solitary bone cyst of femoral neck with pathologic fracture after surgical treatment. 目的分析股骨颈骨囊肿合并病理骨折的手术治疗方法及随访结果。
Intracystic allograft in management of long bone cyst merging pathologic fracture 异体长骨干移植修复四肢骨囊肿合并病理性骨折
Objective: To introduce the application of external fixture in treatment of pathologic fracture with limb bone osteoma. 目的:介绍应用外固定支架固定四肢骨良性肿瘤并发的病理性骨折;
Methods: Review the data of the cases who suffered pathologic fracture and metastatic tumors of bone and were treated in our department; Analyze the effect and the quality of the life of the different methods. 方法应用本院近年来治疗的恶性肿瘤骨转移并发骨折患者的临床资料,分析其治疗方法、效果以及生存质量。
Evaluation of MR Quantitative ADC in Differentiating Vertebral Benign Compression with Pathologic Fracture MR表观弥散系数定量测定对脊柱压缩性骨折病因的诊断价值研究
Conclusion: If the patients can tolerate the operation, we should take active treatment so as to improve the quality of life in the patients of pathologic fracture and metastatic tumors of bone. 结论在患者能够耐受手术的条件下,对骨转移性肿瘤并发骨折应当积极治疗,以提高患者的生存质量。
Pathologic fracture of the mandible 下颌骨病理性骨折
The pathologic fracture of thoracic vertebral caused by ectopic hormone secretion in lung cancer: A report of 7 cases 肺癌异位激素分泌致胸椎病理性骨折7例报告
The main X-ray sign was osteolytic lesion. The soft tissue masses were seen in 7 cases and pathologic fracture in 1 case, only 2 cases appeared lightly periosteal reaction. 主要X线改变为溶骨性破坏,有软组织肿块者7例,病理骨折1例,骨膜反应仅见2例且较轻微。
CONCLUTION: PVP is a simple and minimally invasive treatment with few complications, which can release pain, decrease incidence of pathologic constrictive fracture in spinal body, and improve life quality of patients with metastatic spinal tumor. 结论PVP具有创伤小,操作较简单,并发症少的特点,可有效缓解脊柱转移瘤患者疼痛,减少椎体病理性压缩性骨折,改善其生活质量。
Multiple MRI techniques in the diagnosis and differentiation of benign and pathologic vertebral compression fracture MR多种成像技术在脊柱压缩骨折病因研究中的应用
Objective To discuss the significance and treatment of pathologic fracture and metastatic tumors of bone, and to find the rational treatment. 目的探讨骨转移性肿瘤及合并病理性骨折患者的治疗意义,选择合适的治疗方法,寻找合理的治疗方案。
Treatment of pathologic fracture and metastatic tumors of bone 骨转移性肿瘤及合并病理性骨折的临床治疗意义及方法
Objective: To discuss the therapeutic way and significance of pathologic fracture and metastatic tumors of bone. 目的探讨骨转移性肿瘤并发骨折患者的治疗方法和意义。
Objective To investigate the efficiency of intracystic allograft fixed with bone plate and steel plate in management of long bone cyst merging pathologic fracture. 目的观察移植异体长骨干、骨板及钢板内固定治疗四肢骨囊肿合并病理性骨折的疗效。
Both acceleration of fracture healing process for the peripheral nerve cut-off, and delayed fracture healing process for the spinal cord cut-off, the early callus are pathologic. Therefore, a complete nerve is an indispensable condition of fracture healing. 无论是周围神经切断对骨折愈合过程的加速,还是脊髓切断对骨折愈合过程延缓,均生成病理性骨痂,因此,完整的神经支配是骨折愈合不可或缺的条件。
A female child patients, who caused right femur malignant schwannomas after 3 years, tumor section resection and allograft allografts postoperative produce pathologic fracture to the hospital for treatment. 患儿女性,主因右股骨恶性神经鞘瘤术后3年,瘤段切除术和大段同种异体骨移植术后产生病理性骨折入院治疗。